Author: David Vallejo

  • Tracking Android In-App visits in Google Analytics

    This is going to be a quick post about how to track in-app visits from Android devices.

    When an Android App opens a website in a webview ( in-app visit ), the visit usually comes with an special referrer, It does start with “android-app” referrer string, here you can see a log line about how the referrers comes up.

    77.XXX.XXX.XXX - - [20/Mar/2020:11:20:10 +0000] "GET /in-app-test HTTP/1.0" 200 1580 "android-app://org.telegram.messenger" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; GM1913) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36"

    Since this is a non standard referrer format (it doesn’t start with http), we could easily detect these visit with these rules:

    • It doesn’t start with “http”
    • It isn’t an empty value

    Refer to the following trigger for Google Tag Manager:

    This will only fire on the landing page ( subsequents pageviews will have a referrer starting with http ),then we’ll just have an event per session, We could for example fire a non-interactional event to Google Analytics.

    And, then the events will start showing up in the real-time reports,

    We could also calculate this within a Custom Variable in Google Tag Manager , and use it to force the visit attribution if needed, since Google Analytics will ignore the non-standard referrers and reports them as Direct Traffic.

      if (!document.referrer.match(/^http.*/) && !document.referrer.match(/^$/)){
          return document.referrer;

    Before someone asks it’s not possible to detect the in-app visits from iOS afaik, and this won’t help on tagging these apps that open up a link into an standalone browser (like Whatsapp does).

    Also I’m not 100% sure that all Android versions/apps will report thing the same way, but it seems to be common on latests android versions and major apps.

  • #Discussion :: GDPR Compliance – Google Analytics Setup Proposal

    NOTE: I want to start this post with a big disclaimer over it I’m not publishing it in order to tell anyone how they should be doing the Google Analytics tracking to comply with the GDPR / CCPA .

    The goal of this post being able to start an open discussion about the reliability of this exposed method and any final decision should be taken the site owners under their own responsability.

    One of biggest issues I ( my clients ) are hitting when implementing a hard “cookies-consent wall” is that they would likely lost all the attribution info for at least all the people that bounces. Which can be a disaster if you use Google Analytics for reporting about how your investments in marketing are working. ( not to mention that losing the info about pageviews, sessions, for all that many amount of traffic ).

    Let me show you my proposal for setting up Google Analytics for when the users didn’t yet selected an option for their cookies preferences:

    Then, what are we doing here:

    • If the current user didn’t yet selected his preference, we’ll be launching a pageview hit to Google Analytics
    • This is not an standard hit/tracker initialization. It’s a stateless tracker with all the cookies writing disabled, the IP Anonymization enabled and with the AdsFeatures forcely set to false.
    if (!userConsent) {
      ga('create', 'UA-123123123-123', 'auto', {
        'storage': 'none',
        'storeGac': false,
        'anonymizeIp': true,
        'allowAdFeatures': false
      // We'll save the current clientId into a variable,
      // if later on, the user gives it's consent, we'll be using 
      // to write the cookie
      ga('set', 'customTask', function(tracker) {
        window._gacid = tracker.get('clientId');
      ga('send', 'pageview');

    At this point when the user lands we’ll be launching a pageview in order to track that session start, but no cookie will be used ( if the users reloads a new clientId will be genarated ). If at some point the user accepts the cookies, we’ll write down the uses random-generated-clientId into the cookie and we’ll be able to properly track the user journey.

    All the tracking happens ( imo ) in a first-party content, and we’re respecting the user privacy while we takes a decision. It’s just an extra “anonymized” session starting hit, that will allow to keep a vision from where our traffic is coming.

    Of course after the user has choosen not to be tracked, so this should only be used while our “consent-cookie” is not present, from that point on, we should obey to what our cookies states.

    I really feel this respects the GDPR since there won’t be any cookies if the users doesnt’ explicitly allow it, and we’ re taking extra steps to protects the user privacy in all other ways we can when sending the hit.

    In any case, I’m not a lawer nor an expert on user-privacy, so I’d love to have feedback from other people on this.

    DISCLAIMER: This post in NOT mean to show a law-approved way to use Google Analytics. Please get a proper advise from an user-privacy expert or from your lawer before implementing your tracking the way is showed on this post.

  • The Definitive Approach for preventing duplicate transactions on Google Analytics – Using a Universal CustomTask

    It’s been a long time since I wrote my post about how to prevent duplicate transactions on Google Analytics. At that point, the customTask wasn’t a thing on the Google Analytics JS library, and the approach consisted of writing a cookie on each transaction and then work with some blocking triggers.

    It’s a working solution for sure, but based on all the feedback I had over the years, it was not easy to understand for people. Things got worse even with the Enhanced Ecommerce since there’s no specific hit type to block ( remember that on EEC, any hit is used as a transport for the Ecommerce data ).

    That’s why I’m releasing a completely new approach to prevent duplicate transactions on Google Analytics. It’s based on the customTask functionality and it will work out of the box independently on how you have set up your Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking, sound good yes?

    If you wonder how are we going to achieve this, take a look at the following flow chart

    Basically, we’ll check the current hit payload to find out if it has any transaction-related data, and, only, in that case, we’ll be removed the e-commerce related data from the hit, If that transaction has been already tracked on the current browser ( we’ll be using a cookie to keep track of recorded transactions, just as we used to do in our old solution )

    To have this working the only thing we need to do it to create a new Variable in Google Tag Manager with the following for our “duplicate transactions blocking customTask” .

    *Note that I tried t add as many comments as I could in the customTask code, so please take some time to understand how it works! 🙂

    function() {
      return function(customTaskModel) {
        var originalSendHitTask = customTaskModel.get('sendHitTask');
        // Helper Function to grab the rootDomain
        // Will help on seeting the cookie to the highest domain level
        var getRootDomain = function() {
          var domain =;
          var rootDomain = null;
          if (domain.substring(0, 4) == "www.") {
            domain = domain.substring(4, domain.length);
          var domParts = domain.split('.');
          for (var i = 1; i <= domParts.length; i++) {
            document.cookie = "testcookie=1; path=/; domain=" + domParts.slice(i * -1).join('.');
            if (document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie") != -1) {
              var rootDomain = domParts.slice(i * -1).join('.');
              document.cookie = "testcookie=1; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/; domain=" + domParts.slice(i * -1).join('.');
          return rootDomain;
        // The custom Task
        customTaskModel.set('sendHitTask', function(model) {
          try {
            // Let's grab the hit payload
            var rawHitPayload = model.get('hitPayload');
            // We're converting the payload string into a key=>value object
            var hitPayload = (rawHitPayload).replace(/(^\?)/, '').split("&").map(function(n) {
              return n = n.split("="),
                this[n[0]] = n[1],
            // Let's check if this hit contains a transaction info
            // if the hit contains a &pa parameter and the value equals to "purchase" this hits contains a transaction info        
            if ((hitPayload && && === "purchase")) {
              // Let's grab our the previous transactions saved in our cookie ( if any )  
              var transactionIds = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)__transaction_ids\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") ? document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)__transaction_ids\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1").split('|') : [];
              // if the current transaction ID is already logged into our cookie, let's perform the magic
              if (transactionIds.length > 0 && transactionIds.indexOf(hitPayload.ti) > -1) {            
                // EEC hit keys magic regex. The following regex will match all the payload keys that are related to the ecommerce
                var eecRelatedKeys = /^(pa|ti|ta|tr|ts|tt|tcc|pr(\d+)[a-z]{2}((\d+)|))$/;
                // Now we'll loop through all the payload keys and we'll remove the ones that are related to the ecommerce
                for (var key in hitPayload) {
                  if (key.match(eecRelatedKeys)) {
                // not let's update the payload into the hit model! :)
                model.set('hitPayload', Object.keys(hitPayload).map(function(key) {
                    return key + '=' + hitPayload[key];
                }).join('&'), true);            
              } else {
                // IF the execution arrived to this point. It means that this is a NEW transaction
                // Then, we'll do nothing to the payload but instead we'll be adding the current transaction ID to our cookie
                transactionIds = [hitPayload.ti].concat(transactionIds);
                var _expireDate = new Date();
                // This cookie will expire in 2 years
                _expireDate.setMonth(_expireDate.getMonth() + 24);
                document.cookie = "__transaction_ids=" + transactionIds.join('|') + ";expires=" + _expireDate + ";domain=" + getRootDomain() + ";path=/";            
            // Send the hit
          } catch (err) {
            // In case the above fails, we want to send the hit in any case!!!

    We’re done. From now all this customTask will be taking care of detecting transactions traveling on the hits, writing it to a cookie and removing the transaction data from the hit if needed!

    • You don’t need a blocking trigger
    • You don’t need an extra condition on your firing trigger
    • You don’t need a variable for checking for the value of the cookie
    • It’s doesn’t matter how you’ve set up your e-commerce tracking, the customTask will work despite your current approach ( sending it with the default pageview, or an event, or if using the dataLayer data or based on a variable that builds up the e-commerce data for GTM ). 
    • You won’t need to block your default pageview on the confirmation page to have the ecommerce working without duplicates.

    It will just simply work!

    Of course, you may want to block some other tags from firing since the customTask will write all the data into a cookie, it would be accessible for you to use it at your need. Just grab the “__transaction_ids” cookie value, and search for your already recorded transactions

  • Test API . Unit testing for Google Tag Manager Custom Templates

    Google Tag Manager team has just added, in a stealth mode, a new Test API for the Custom Templates. This Test API will allow us to define some Unit Tests in order to be able to automate the testing of our template before publishing them.

    You will find a new tab within the templates editor named “test” where you will be able to run some code before the tests start, and then add a set of unit test to run each time you want to test your library.

    For those who are not much into the programming according to the Wikipedia a Unit Test is:

    In computer programmingunit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use.[1]

    In essence, they’re automated tests that make sure that a certain part of program execution, a unit, is working as expected. For example, if we were writing some unit tests for a page, we would be writing some Unit tests for example for checking if the contact form works, another to check if the add to card works, another one for testing if the search engine works, or if the current pages contain some specific elements.

    According to Google Tag Manager support pages, each test can provide sample input values, mock function calls, and assert code behaviors. ( More details GTM Tests ) .

    Unit Tests are also exported/imported, so this would help people that need to tweak any template to have their new code tested if the original author provided all the needed unit tests for testing the template.

    Setting up the Unit Testing may look like a tedious and time-wasting task the first time you have to deal with it, but with the time you’ll widely recover all the time invested ( NOT WASTED ) while setting up the tests.

    This new Test API doesn’t need to be initialized as the other ones since it’s run within its own section of the editor and its looks it’s already enabled there and it provided 5 new API’s we can use to defined and run our unit tests:

    assertApi Returns a matcher object that can be used to fluently make assertions about the given API.
    assertThat The assertThat API is the one in charge to check if some specific value/variable matches the one we are expecting. GTM used Google’s Truth library as a model for this. Having one asset failing doesn’t affect other test cases.
    fail This will force the test to fail and return a giving message if any is provided.
    mock The mock API will allow us to override/replace the current sandbox API’s behavior
    runCode Calling this method will run the code for the current template,

    I’m trying to show some simple examples of how these APIs work with examples. If you want to dig deeper I suggest you going to the official developer site for the Test API for a further read:



    This API will return a matcher object that we will able to use to make asserts against the given API.

    For example, each tag execution must contain one call to gtmOnSuccess. Would make no sense having 2 calls to success within a single tag execution that could mean that we’re firing it at some point when it’s may not be true. Let’s write an API assertion to check that gtmOnSuccess is being called just once.

    This is our test current custom tag code

    // dummmmyyyy template
    const log = require('logToConsole');
    log('data =', data);

    There’re not many details about the currently supported subjects for this assertion tests. I’ll try to keep the following table updated as long as I find/test them out.

    Available subjects list

    wasCalled(number of calls)


    This API will allow making the assertions against our variables or subjects. It has been designed based on the Truth library by Google, which is a library for running assertion tests for Java and Android. You can find more info in the official URL:

    I’m not sure if all the subjects available on truth and that been currently modeled into the Test API For GTM, but you can find a list of officially provided one in the project GitHub repository, in case you’re curious about it:

    assertThat(actual, opt_message)

    For this let’s imagine that we have a variable that we expect to be returning “SIMO” as a string, ok?. For this test, we’ll write a small variable that returns “DAVID” instead of our expected value in order to test an assertion.

    // assetThat API Test
    // No Needed Libraries
    // return "SIMO"
    return "DAVID";

    Now, we’ll write a simple test that run an assert to test that the value returned by the variable actually is “DAVID”

    There’re not many details about the currently supported matched subjects for this assertion tests. I’ll try to keep the following table updated as long as I find/test them out.

    Available subjects list





    This API will allow us to replace or override the current Sandbox API’s functionality.
    Let use the following Custom Variable Code

    mock(apiName, returnValue);
    // Mock API Test
    // Add Needed Libraries
    const log = require('logToConsole');
    const encodeUri = require('encodeUri');
    const testValue = encodeUri("");
    log('testValue=', testValue);
    return testValue;

    If we run variable we would expect to have the testValue to be the URL encoded, but we’ve mocked the encodeUri API in our test to return a fixed value:


    This API actually takes care of running our template code. It optionally accepts a data object as a parameter and it will return a value if we’re testing a Variable or undefined in any other case.

      measurementID: 'G-XXXXXXXX' 

    Passing an object data will allow us to set some values for the current tag/variable without the need to manually fill the data into the template fields.

    In the example above the data.measurementID variable will hold the value ‘G-XXXXXXX’ even w didn’t populate our field.

    Wrapping up

    Google Tag Manager is giving us the perfect tool ( as a start ) for being able to have some fail-proof containers and code. AFAIK it seems the library is supporting some basic matchers, but I expect them to be expanded in the future ( or documented! ).

  • UDO Debugger – Easiest way to work and QA Tealium implementations

    Some years ago, I published my “Tealium Debugger” extension for Chrome which after a nice email my Inbox got, ended being named “UDO Debugger” ( no hard feelings at all ).

    You may click no the next CTA if you want to install the extension in your browser =)

    That version published circa Apr 2017, was just showing up the current app state on the page loads, the current account, profile, and environment details. There was no support for anything else. Sadly I switched works and I was not able to work with Tealium anymore, despite my requests to get some testing account access to improve the extension.

    The good news is that I’m back on some works with Tealium which means it’s a nice time to update the extension. I’m pleased to say that after a lot of hours of works, I’ve completely refactored the extension, and I’ve added lots of cool features that I hope makes the analysts and developers in the need to work with Tealium a bit more easier 🙂

    Let me put a small list of the current features on the debugger:

    • Tealium Presence Detection and profile, account, environment reporting.
    • NEW. App State,, utag.view Reporting
    • NEW. The current fired tags are reported.
    • NEW. Clipboard Support.
    • NEW. Environments Switcher
    • NEW. Debug Enabler / Reporter

    Tealium Presence Detection

    The extension will automatically report to you if Tealium has been loaded on the current page.

    Along with this info, you’ll be able to see the current enabled environment, profile and account name. Also, you will be able to see the current version loaded ( useful for easily seeing when the last publication is live ).

    App State,, utag.view Reporting

    In the previous versions, only the App State was being reported. ( when I refer to app state it’s the original utag_data value.

    On the new version, all the UDO model is shown on the page load, and for making the debugging easier all the data layer keys that are internal to Tealium. As you may know, Tealium collects some details by default data that can be used, for cookies, meta tags, audienceStream audiences, queryString parameters, etc ), are grouped into the _internal key, also we’re doing the same for the keys that are related to the eCommerce.

    This way you could just focus on the Universal Data Object keys that are really up to you.

    And yes now the UTAG.LINK and UTAG.VIEW calls are being reported. So each time your site does a call you’ll be notified.

    And the coolest thing is that you’ll be able to see if the current link/view was scoped for a certain tag or if they were pushed along with any callback, even being able to see a fully prettified and formated output of the callback code.

    The current fired tags are reported

    This new UDO Debugger version can to show you the current tags being fired by the site via Tealium. And they will appear in the report automatically as they fire :).

    And … did you ever meet any implementation where the tag names were named so badly, something like “marketing pixel” , or even not matching the current pixel, like firing a Google Ads Pixel and having a name like “Conversion Pixel FB” ?, I’m sure you did. Now on UDO Debugger, you’ll be able to click on the tags ID’s and you’ll get a full report on what that pixel is. Like the real template name, the description, the available configurable fields for that pixel on Tealium and … you will be able to see the current tag code, in a prettified and formated way without needing to go to Tealium and editing the template! ( say yay! )

    Clipboard Support

    Any app state/ is eligible to be copied into your clipboard with a mouse click. And they will be copied on a nicely formatted way, easy to report to your IT department or for writing your documentation 🙂

    Environments Switcher

    Within the main window of the extension, you’ll be able to switch to DEV / QA / PROD environments. This setting while last while the browser session is open.

    If you ever worked with the native solution to switch environments on Tealium it has 2 big issues in my opinion:

    1. utag.sync is not affected. So it will not be redirected.
    2. If you use the switching cookie, instead of doing a redirect, it will load a second utag.js on top of the first one, ending on some odd behavior under certain circumstances. For example, let’s say that your “prod” environment has an extension that sets a global variable window.thyngster, then you say let’s load our “dev” environment where that variable is not set. You may see that variable being set despite you’re not expecting it, making you go crazy!

    We’re have solved this 2 issues, the newly added environment switcher added to UDO Debugger will perform 307 redirects for both utag.js and utag.sync.js files requests so you can be able to do some proper QA and testing.

    Debug Enabler / Reporter

    As I’m sure you already know you can have Tealium pushing all the debug logs to the console ( via the calls to utag.DB in the templates ). For getting this done, you’ll only need to create a cookie named ‘utagdb’ with a true value this way:


    Still, a lot of stuff is pushed to the console, which makes difficult to follow what going on, since it’ll be messed with other messages, request failed or scripts errors.

    This version allows you to enable the debug switch just from the interface, and it will then show you in a nice table. you’ll even be able to check previous pages logs. Which will make the utag.debug diggest a lot easier.

  • Google Tag Manager Custom Template to grab the current Root domain Name

    It happened to me a lot of times that while working with cookies that for whatever the reason I didn’t remembered to add the domain name to the settings, or that I was not able to properly define the root domain.

    If you ever have had the need to set a cookie to the main root domain for your current domain, to make a cookie available for all the place, that depending on your current domain it may not be just enough to split the current hostname, because we need to think on the TLDs ( top-level domains ), SDLs ( second-level domain ), ccTLD ( country code top-level domain ), having all these variables you may end not knowing where the root domain is, for example is we’re talking about a domain , we could check things by the numbers of characters on each level, but that would be also not as relialable as it would look at a first time.

    Actually ,afaik, the only reliable way to check this is relying on a proper lookup table or database ( ).

    Good thing on JavaScript is that we try grab the current hostname and start setting a cookie till it get’s actually set.

    For example let’s say that we have , we would be doing the following:

    Good thing is that now you can have this value available without needing to deal with any code, just import the following Custom Variable to your containers 🙂

    Available on GTM Gallery or via GitHub:

  • #proTip – Proactively Cookies Auditing with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

    Since GDPR was announced and more even with the rise of Safari’s ITP and the other upcoming protection feature by the other major browsers, the concers about users privacy was grown which is really nice.

    But despite browsers taking some actions to prevent the abuses, it’s difficult to follow up the current cookies being used in our sites because we may end finding new ones that has been added by the developers, or some new pixel added by someone into our TMS.

    For helping on this task, some weeks I launched Cookies.Report which is a online tool for checking the cookies generated by a site. It has some special features that will make the report more useful than just looking the cookies tab in our browser:

    • Report it’s run within a fully clean browser state. This is we won’t be targetting personal cookies that we may have because we’re logged somewhere else, or old cookies that we may have in place since time immemorial
    • The report will split the first and third parties cookies, so you can easily identify them
    • The report will tell you which cookies are set within a TMS ( currently Google Tag Manager and Tealium are supported ), or which ones are set in some other way ( hardcoded tags )
    • You will be able to export the cookies in xls, csv or pdf to share it with anyone else

    Proactively Tracking Cookies

    This is going to be a easy code, we’ll just to use the following snippet to pass a list of current cookies names into the user browsers into a variable and then we could pass it as a custom dimension in our pageview/event hits!.

        document.cookie.split(';').map(function(c) {
            return c.split('=')[0].replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');

    There’s a point to have in mind, if it’s the first time the user gets into the page it may happen that our pageview fires before our other javascripts are loaded and therefore we may be missing that data just on the landing pages.

    You could use a non-interactianal event that fires on DomReady of Window.load if this is a issue for you.

    Having the code needed to get the cookies list, we may think in some other more explicit workaround that may save hits. For example: We may generate a hash of the current cookies list, and just send an event each time that it changes, this way we’ll only be sending the data once each time a new cookie is added.

    After we start receiving the data, we will be able to do/know a lot of interesting things.

    • When a new cookies was added to the site
    • Which are the most set cookies
    • In which pages are the cookies being set
    • Setting an alert if dimension hold some forbidden cookie name

    Hope someone find this useful in some way. Happy to listen to any comment you may have about this approach 🙂

  • Setting GA Cookies Server Side with PHP – ITP Workaround

    Yeah, I know, this has been done before by others, but since I had this piece of code around, I decided to publish it.

    It’s not going to be usual, method since we’ll be relying on sending a duplicate hit to our tracking subdomain. That way we’ll be able to have our stuff tracked server-side in a secondary dimension while those hits will take care of setting the cookie expiring time on the main. isn’t it cool?

    What we’ll need

    1. A subdomain for our domain, for example ( it’s better if we don’t make it that obvious )
    2. A customTask added in our tags, in order to send a hit copy to our subdomain.
    3. We’ll need some PHP code that will receive the hit details ( payload, cookie name, etc ), will have the job of writting the cookie back and also will be taking care of the CORS headers.

    Working Flow

    2. Let’s Start: Setting up our customTask

    The first thing we need to do is to create a custom Variable with our customTask code. You can find the code below.

    Copy the code

    function() {
        var gaProxyEndpoint = '';
        return function(customTaskModel) {
            customTaskModel.set('cookieUpdate', false);
            var originalSendHitTask = customTaskModel.get('sendHitTask');
            customTaskModel.set('sendHitTask', function(model) {
                try {
                    var gaCookieName = model.get('cookieName');
                    var base64encodedPayload = btoa(model.get('hitPayload')+'&ckn='+gaCookieName);             
                    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
                    xhr.withCredentials = true;
          "POST", gaProxyEndpoint, false);
                } catch (err) {

    After we have the variable, we’ll need to tell the tags to use it a customTask, if you’re already using a customTask you’ll need to sort it out yourself mergin this piece of code with your current code.

    As you may see on the following screenshot, there’s an extra field set. It’s name “cookieUpdate”, and we’ll need that set to false because otherways analytics.js will keep updating the cookie expire time after we did the same, therefore the cookie time will be reset to 7 days on Safari.

    3. Let’s finish: Setting up the PHP files

    We’ll need to upload the php files to our subdomain


    We are all set now!

    After we publish everything, for each hit send via GTM, a request will be also be sent to our endpoint, which will take care of everything so cookies are written from the server.

    There’re some tweaks you may want to add to the customTask, for example you may want to check if it’s a Safari browser, and just run the custom task if the check is true. Just give a try to “Detect Safari JavaScript” search on Google 🙂


    As you may have read, we could also set the PHP file to send a copy of the hits. For enabling this feature, just open the index.php and uncomment the following line

    // private $propertyId = 'UA-XXXXXXX-UU';

    The good thing about this is that the payload goes encoded using BASE64, so it won’t be detectable by adblockers at all. So you may end finding some better sessions info on the secondary property?.

    ok, I know, most adblockers will likely block the analytics.js file so, none of this will make a difference, but, even if it’s not a good idea you may plan to server the file locally with a different name, do you follow me? 🙂

    If someone gives it a try just let me know!

  • #tip – Grabbing current dataLayer variable name within GTM

    This is going to be a quick #tip post. and it’s coming from a post on Measure Slack.

    Let’s learn how to grab the current dataLayer variable name within GTM. We’ll need to create a variable with the following code:

    function() {
        return Object.values(window.google_tag_manager).find(function(e) {
            if (e.dataLayer) return true;

    Now our variable should hold the dataLayer name 🙂

  • Send APP+WEB Hits to any remote endpoint

    Google released APP+WEB Properties some weeks ago now, and one of the most missed features looking back to Universal Analytics, is the chance to work with a customTask ( Hi Simo!!! ).

    In this post I’ll cover how to send a copy of the hits to anywhere we want, in case we want to hold a copy of them, or processing them in some other place (like snowplow)

    First, we need to take in mind that APP+WEB hits, may contain +1 hits into their payload, therefore we’ll splitting the hits in single hits before sending them to our endpoint. If you want to learn more about how APP+WEB Protocol works you can take a look to this post

    APP+WEB API makes use of navigator.sendBeacon to send the hits, so we’ll writting a proxy pattern to listing to sendBeacon calls in order to be able to grab the payloads and sending them back to our own endpoint. In the middle of this process we’ll be splitting the hits in single hits.

    On this specific example we’re sending the data via POST, but it can be easily be send as a QS payload. Just feel free to modify the code at your needs ).

    In order to have this working, we’ll need create a new TAG in Google Tag Manager ( or just add this code into your site in some other way ) with the following code. ( feel free to modify the endpoint variable at the end. Let’s call it: “TOOL – APP + WEB Remote Logger”

    "use strict";
    (function() {
        try {
            var proxied = window.navigator.sendBeacon;
            window.navigator.sendBeacon = function() {
                var parse = function getQueryParameters(str) {
                    return (str ||^\?)/, "").split("&").map(function(n) {
                        return (n = n.split("=")),
                        (this[n[0]] = n[1]),
                // Check if it's a APP+WEB hit
                if (arguments && arguments[0].match(/google-analytics\.com.*v\=2\&/)) {
                    var payloads = [];
                    var qs = arguments[0].split("?")[1];
                    // APP+WEB Can hold more than 1 hit on the same payload, we'll send separete this, let's split them
                    if (arguments[1] && !qs.en) {
                        arguments[1].split("\n").forEach(function(e) {
                            var tmp = Object.assign(parse(qs), parse(e));
                    } else {
                    var data = {
                        records: payloads
                    var endpoint = "https://myownendpoint/g/collect";
                    fetch(endpoint, {
                        method: "POST",
                        body: JSON.stringify(data)
                return proxied.apply(this, arguments);
        } catch (e) {}

    After we have that tag in place we’ll need to use the tag secuencien with our pageview tag ( this needs to run just one, so don’t add it to other hits ).

    And now we’ll only need to publish our container, and a copy of the hits will be sent to the endpoint we’ve defined on the code! Easy!